About Kyokushin

We, the International Karate Organization Kyokushin Kaikan - I.K.O. Matsushima Group are an active succession of the way of Budo Karate, along with the legacy of the founder Masutatsu Oyama.
Through the discipline of our hearts and bodies, we continually endeavour to interact as an authentic international organization. We aim to develop the whole human spirit in each individual so that they can become leaders for the next generation, and continue to contribute to the community.

Our Kyokushin Karate is Budo, and involves full contact rules in order to seek true strength. However, we are not only seeking an aspect of strength to be a tournament winner. What we seek, through hard training, is the way of life as a human being. I believe we should learn the importance of this, to assure actions are based upon faith and to make large efforts to enhance the level of moral human nature. It may be significant help to our aim of wholesome training of young individuals which leads to their community contribution. We have been attempting this, step by step, based upon our belief that these young individuals are the next generation leaders.

Today, the organization has 120 official branch chiefs and representatives in over 60 countries. All of which have been achieving great results during their extensive training careers. This emphasises our respect for the philosophy of Kyokushin Karate and our organization has been recognized as the most democratic Kyokushin Karate organization in the world. Many people in the world have been fascinated by Kyokushin Karate, and I have truly noticed that the meaning and the mysterious aspects of this profound Budo Karate have been recognized as a means to find the true way of life, not only in Japan, but across the world.

Kancho Yoshikazu Matsushima / President of IKO Matsushima

Dojo Member(s)

Name KYU Email Status
Yeffrey A. Budiman DAN II yahbudiman@gmail.com active
Syafruddin Azhar DAN I - active
Indra Pratonugroho DAN I active
Bonar F. Siregar DAN I - active
Yulia Tarmudji Kyu 1 - -
Sudaryadi Susindra Kyu 1 - -
Tigor Ardhian Sidiq Siregar Kyu 1 - active
Loren Tania Kyu 1 lorentania@gmail.com -
Arry Basuseno Kyu 2 - active
Mohammad Liem Kholid (Aam) Kyu 2 - -
Ignatius Wijaya Kyu 3 ignatius.wijaya@gmail.com -
Oei Pet Hen Kyu 3 pethenoei@gmail.com resign
Rendy Revianto Kyu 4 - -
Eldest Pasirula Kyu 4 eldest.pasirula@hotmail.com -
Kandres Simatupang Kyu 4 - -
Enggal Pamukty Kyu 4 - -
Sachiko Ishi Kyu 4 - Tokyo
Amelia Safitri Kyu 4 - -
Hadi Abdul Karim A Kyu 4 - active
Aldiova Mahesa Laratsemi Kyu 5 aldiova@yahoo.com -
Sandy Wirawan Kyu 5 - active
Lina Jap Kyu 6 linajap82@gmail.com -
Vito Naranggadipa Laratsemi Kyu 6 vlaratsemi@gmail.com -
Diogo Costa de Moura Coutinho Torrinha Kyu 6 - Portugal
Akbar Eka Kyu 6 akbareka31@gmail.com -
Richard Archie F. Mandagie Kyu 6 - active
Irwing Kyu 6 - -
Onny Trijunianto. Kyu 6 - -
Boris Satiyadi Kyu 6 - -
Ali Syarif Kyu 7 pindah dojo -
Yoga Bagasakhti Kyu 7 - -
Ilham Firdaus Siregar Kyu 7 - pindah dojo
Donny Mulia Kyu 7 - -
Adam Valentino Kyu 7 - -
Nicken F Dian Bagenda Kyu 7 - active
Rulliansyah Kurniawan Kyu 7 - -
Yudha Rastanura Kyu 7 - active
Immanuel M. Prijatna Kyu 8 - -
Valery Palar Kyu 8 - active
Adriel Kyu 8 - -
Siska Kyu 8 - -
Boyando Manurung Kyu 8 - -
Toebagus Ivan Budiman Kyu 8 - -
Rahman Saputra Kyu 8 - -
Paul Prawira Prijatna Kyu 8 - active
Adhen B. Utomo Kyu 9 -
Fariz Hutama Kyu 9 - -
Gerry Kyu 9 - -
Adam Jordan Kyu 9 - resign
Razif Thayeb Kyu 9 - -
Zaki Kyu 9 - -
Andrie Noor Tanrie Kyu 9 - -
Eliana Ipung Kyu 9 - -
Syarief Hidayat Kyu 9 - -
David Sugianto Kyu 9 davidsugianto82@yahoo.com -
Melisa Wijaya Kyu 9 - -
Lie Cheu Lie Kyu 9 - -
Jenny Lynnette Kyu 9 - -
Joel Liem Kyu 9 - -
Erick Kosdi Kyu 9 - -
Yuni Kyu 9 - -
Magdalena Kyu 9 - -
Yosep Erjuandi Silaban Kyu 9 - -
Pham Gia Binh Kyu 9 - Vietnam
Pham Tuong Anh Kyu 9 - Vietnam
Ali Ghufron Kyu 9 - -
Gusti Ramadhan Noor Kyu 10 - -
Triningsih Kyu 10 tri-kutriks@gmail.com -
Muthia Sahara Kyu 10 - -
Martina Bella Vista Kyu 10 - -
Fia Kyu 10 - -
Anto Kyu 10 - -
Lucia Kyu 10 - -
Didi TW Kyu 10 - -
Nurma Kyu 10 - -
F A D Kyu 10 - -
Rian Wisnu Wardhana Kyu 10 - -
Nita Tia Nanda Kyu 10 - -
Galih Kyu 10 - -
Alyaasiin Kyu 10 - active
Eno Kyu 10 - active
Anjar Kyu 10 - active
Fai Kyu 10 - active
Haryo Kyu 10 - active
Julius Kyu 10 - active
Angger Kyu 10 - active


  • By Octavianus Tjiantoro
    Indonesian Kyokushin Martial Art Academy

    Bagi saya pribadi, kedua Sensei yang memimpin latihan di dojo Kebon Sirih merupakan sensei karate sejati. Karate sensei yang sejati selalu berkomitmen penuh tidak hanya pada membagi ilmunya kepada murid dan juniornya, tetapi juga pada peningkatan ilmu dan pengetahuan mereka sendiri, terutama dalam bidang ilmu karate.
    Saya bersyukur sekali sudah bisa kenal dan ikut berlatih bersama Sensei Andreas dan Sensei Wisnu sejak beberapa tahun lalu mulai dari dojo Batu Tulis, sampai sekarang di dojo Kebon Sirih. Saya berharap untuk bisa berlatih bersama kedua Sensei serta seluruh anggota dojo Kebon Sirih lainnya.

  • By Adam Jordan
    IKO Nakamura - Indonesia (ex. IKKA)

    Senang bisa bergabung di IKKA dojo Menteng, banyak hal yang bisa didapatkan tidak hanya dari segi fisik dan teknik tapi juga mental dan disiplin yang tinggi. Kebersamaan dan keakraban yang sangat memberikan kesan yang mendalam bagi saya sejak ikut berlatih mulai di Dojo Batu Tulis, Dojo Kebon Sirih dan saat ini di Dojo Menteng, semoga bisa terus berlanjut berlatih bersama.

  • By JDiogo Costa de Moura Coutinho Torrinha
    IKO 1 - Portugal

    I joined the IKKA Kebon Sirih dojo in May 2014 after recommendation from Sensei Octavius Tijantoro, who used to be the Sensei there, before passing it on to Sensei Wisnu and Sensei Andreas. I came from a Matsui dojo in Singapore under Senseis  James Chong, but was from the very fist minute welcomed with open arms by the IKKA's Matsushima family at the Kebon Sirih dojo. Sensei Wisnu and Sensei Andreas are world class instructors, sensitive to the students' motivations, ambitions and limitations and never forgetting the non-physical part and the customs which are at the core of the Kyokushin teachings. The group is very friendly and with very relaxed dynamics, with determined male and female deshi of all ages.I am very fortunate and honoured to train under Sensei Wisnu and Sensei Andreas and hope to prove worthy to continue under their guidance. I recommend anyone in Central Jakarta with the wish to learn Kyokushin Karate in an environment which is welcoming, relaxed and respectful to the way of the Karateka to join IKKA! Osu!

  • By Joost Van 't Veld
    Budokai Senshi - Netherland

    What a way to end our holiday... A two hours training with the fantastic Kyokushin group of Sensei Wisnu and Sensei Andreas Laratsemi, of which almost 90 minutes done by me. Thank you for the hospitality and this great experience!! And after that we had a late night dinner at an Atjeh Restaurant with Sensei Wisnu and his lovely wife Eliana. That was so nice again. We will miss you! Hope to see you all soon again soon. Big big osu!! Thank you Sensei Jacques, Sensei Wisnu and Sensei Laratsemi. Osu!